Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Goodbye Fall

The big and exciting (to some, not so exciting to others) news in Maryville today is that we are supposed to get snow, thats right SNOW tonight! I am not sure how I feel about this news yet, ask me tomorrow when I have to walk in it to my 8 am class. Most of you have a favorite season, and mine used to be summer. However, as I get older I realize I don't really have a favorite season. I look forward to each and every season. Every season has something to look forward to. Summer- shorts, golden tan, lake, sun, warmth! Spring- flowers, cooler days, rainy days good for reading and napping. Fall- trees changing colors, leaves falling, hunting, bonfires, football, halloween. Winter- cute winter clothes, boots, sweater dresses, sitting by the heater, hot chocolate, wrapped in a blanket with someone you love, movie nights, and Christmas!! See what I mean? I love all the season's. However, I am not sure if I am quite ready to say goodbye to fall just yet! It' only the beginning of November, can't the snow hold off for just a little bit longer?! So in memory of fall 2011 I will post a couple pictures of harvest time!
Yes, you see it right. This here is my Dad and I harvesting the good ole fashion way with no combines. Dad used the tractor and corn picker(if that is the correct name for it) to pick the corn that shot into a wagon following the corn picker. I (with help from my mom, brother, his gf, and my bf) picked up corn by hand off the ground that Dad had missed. As I rode in the tractor down the road, Dad and I joked about how redneck we must have looked with our old machinery. He asks "You don't care if your seen with this old stuff?" and I reply "Nah, whatever works." I may never admit it to his face but I really love doing things the ole fashion way and making things work on the farm with my dearest Daddy-o and the fam!

I had to go ahead and add a few more pictures from this fall....
This is Adam and I (he is the boyfriend) ;)
After a night of fishing at Colden Pond (A pond on campus)
To the left is Dylan (Adam's brother), my roommate Lindsey, Me and Adam.
I love the lights in the background reflecting on the pond.

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