Friday, November 4, 2011

Trick or Treat

First I would like to inform you that Maryville did not get any snow!

Secondly, Before heading back to Maryville Monday night, I got to see these precious boys for another Halloween night! They stopped by State Farm, where I was helping my mom prepare for her first night of handing candy out on the square for her work, so I could see their faces in their costumes! I was only expecting the youngest since the older two are getting pretty "cool" for many things now-a-days. I was thrilled when I saw not just one cowpoke but two!! Jaxson decided he would take advantage of getting loads of candy one more year of trick-er-treating before he threw the towel in! (If only that was my biggest decision I had to made) ;)
Aren't they handsome!! (Don't pay attention to the girl on the left)

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