Monday, January 30, 2012

I love my brothers!!!

Okay, so in class today I am sitting here listening to my favorite college professor (ya know, the one I mentioned in the previous post?) We are learning about different models from different theorists. Well today, we learned that in our classroom we need to especially look after those shy kids. At first I'm thinking nah, I was a shy girl and I didn't have any big problems. As she continued her lecture I'm pretty sure if someone were to take my picture my eyes would be bigger than...... Well they would be about to pop out of my head okay. This is her story: Michelle (an 8 year old girl in her 3ed grade classroom) always ask if she could stay after school. She would offer to scrub the desks, wash the chalk board, and even clean the errasers. After school is a time for teachers to finally collect all their thoughts and figure out what went good, what needs changed, and get ready for the next day. So the teacher would tell Michelle okay, but just for a few minutes then you have to get going because people are expecting you at home. This went on and the teacher would ask if everything was okay, Michelle would respond with a smile like nothing was wrong and say yea everything is fine. This went on for 6 or 7 days. Finally the teacher could not shoo this girl out of the room so she asked again, Michelle, is there something I need to know? The girl broke down isntantly into tears and this is what she said, "When I go home my brother brings his friends over and....well you know." The teacher responded was in schock, "What are you talking about Michelle?" "Everyday after school my brother brings his friends over and,..... they do horrible things to my body."

Michelle's (8 years old) brother (a highschooler) had his friends over and sexually assaulted his little sister until their mother came home from work.

I was in complete schock. My mouth was probably about to hit the table. I am the youngest of 3 kids and the only girl. My two older brothers were (and still are) completely opposite of Michelle's brother. If their friends were to even give me a look of like hey you're cute my brothers instantly would some how let them know, hey buddy back off thats my sister. Now at time, especially in my earlier teens, I would hate this. I mean, come on, they were scaring all the guys away!! Okay, I secretely thought it was pretty kewl to have two brothers that looked after me and who I always felt protected around.

As this story is not shocking enough, my teacher gave us a true statistic. Warning: you may want to sit down for this and have a glass of water handy. In little town of Maryville MO in JUST the ELEMENTARY school (not counting middle or high school) in this past SEMESTER there were 200 cases of sexual abuse. THAT IS CRAZY!!!!!!!!

Conclusion: I will watch out for those shy stand offish students, I will be on my tip toes, and I am soooooo grateful I have such LOVING and CARING brothers whom I adore (Shhhh don't tell them! I don't think they know I have this blog ;) )

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