Thursday, January 5, 2012


Do you ever have those customers who you wish you could take a wash cloth and wipe those nasty stuck up looks off their face? Maybe even give them a recorder to show them how rude they sound??

I love going to work each day and helping brides, bridesmaids, prom goers, and any other girl (or guy) who walks in make their occassion easier and as joyable as I can. I love bringing a smile to their face and truly making them happy. This past week I have been working with a bride who has stopped in a few times.

Day 1: A gal called and asked if she would be interfering with anyone's appointment is she stopped in to glance around at some dresse. I told her not at all and to stop in at any time.The first time she stopped in (about 30- 45 minutes after she called) she was just trying to get an idea of what kind of budget she needs to start planning for for a wedding gown. I showed her what we have here on the floor, the catelogs we can order from and other options some brides choose to take if they are on a tight budget. She said she didn't want to try any on that day because she wanted to include her friends. I told her that was just fine. I sent her home with a few little books to look through.

Day 2: She called again asking if she would be interfering with an appointment. (What a considerate gal!!) She came in and she said she decided she wanted to go ahead and try on a few dresses to see if she liked any. I said sure, not a problem. She picked out two that she liked and I helped her get them out of the bags, fluffed and on. The first on she tried on she fell in love. She asked how much it was. IT WAS SHOCKINGLY ONE OF OUR $95 DRESSES!!!! She thought I was kidding. She mentioned the only thing she would change is to make it fuller. I thought fast, I grabbed a poofy slip from the back and walaa, perfect! So, she decides to try on the other dress just to make sure she wouldn't like it better. She didn't. This particular gal was not on too tight of a budget. She was thinking more of the $1000 budget for a dress. She puts her clothes back on and I asked her if she would like to try any others on while she was here. She glances around again and just loves the one she aleady chose. She calls her mom to see if she was in town and had time to come check it out. She can't. The gal turns to me, "I really love this dress, and it's weird I would choose the cheapest dress, but I don't want to make a final decision without someone else seeing it on me also." I said that's totally fine, I would be the same way. She asks, "is there anyway I can hold it to make sure noone buys it?" Usually we have to have some money down to hold a dress but this gal was so polite, sweet, and the dress being as cheap as it was I told her I would hold it and make sure noone would take it from under her. The look on her face was priceless. She was so pleased. She thanked me many times and I thanked her right back. I wanted to tell her I wish there were more people in the world like her. She assured me she would let me know about the dress in the next day or two.

The very next day (day 3): She calls, again to make sure she wouldn't infere or take attention away from an appointment. She comes back in and brings her mom (an equally sweet lady). Tries on the dress, her mom loves it also. Long story short, they buy the dress and the slip I had her try on under it. She was so thrilled!! On the way out the door she told me she would be back saturday with her bridesmaids to pick out their dresses!

Heres to 2012 and being filled with more customers like her!!!! :o)

"Too often we under estimate the power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment,
or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential
to turn a life around."

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