Monday, May 28, 2012

Summer Sun

Summer has officially arrived!! Yay! I have been behind in my blogging lately, sorry! So, here is a little update on my life! I am keeping busy with school, started Buena Vista at Indian Hills campus, going to night classes twice a week and have an online class that keeps me busy. I am pushing hard to get classes out of the way so I will be able to student teach in Januar 2013 and graduate may 2013, VERY excited!

I have also been enjoying the sun and being outside a lot mowing and such. I couldn't ask God for a better life and support system than I already have. I've enjoyed babysitting my cousins, spending time with my family, planting flowers with my fabulous neighbor, and soaking up some rays!

I am planning a trip to Chicago soon and meet my best friend who I haven't seen in months! She is a very busy girl, I'm so proud of her! Of course I didn't expect anything less but she traveled to China for school then the very next day she got back, she was off again to Michigan for an internship! We have a lot of catching up to do so why not do it over some shopping in Chicago?? :o)

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