Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thank God for answered prayers!

Yesterday I set out on my second journey to Chicago, but this time all by myself (I missed you Marissa, the drive wasn't quite the same without you and I don't remember driving through so much chaotic traffic! whew stressful! lol) I made it with no problems. I called my mom to inform her that I had made it (we all know it's a mother's job to worry too much) and my heart sank as I heard her say my father was in the hospital. Mom was called 30 minutes after I had left town with the news that dad was admitted into the er with major chest pains. Mixed emotions of not know what in the world was going on, why I wasn't told sooner so I could turn around (only being 30 minutes away) and be with my dad, and the thought of this isn't really happening was all going through my head. I instantly prayed, prayed for the Lord to be with my father and comfort him. I didn't know what else to do, here I was 6 hours from my daddy who is so strong nothing ever hurts him. If you know my father he will never go to the doctor unless the pain is so unbearable he can't handle it (and he handles ALOT). So the thought of my dad in the hospital was not easy. I said many many prayers the rest of the night and got news this morning that he was feeling fine now and was released to go home. They still do not know what the cause of his chest pains were but will be doing more tests tomorrow or Friday. Thank you Lord for answered prayers.

He obviously doesn't like his picture taken so this is what he gets ;)

I love you Daddy!!

On that note, I have been meaning to blog about my newest study. When I was a little girl I went to church with my parents. We went to the Baptist Church. From what I remember, the church was great. As I got older, my family stopped attending church regularly because sometimes that was the only day dad could get anything done on the farm. When I moved away from home to attend college in MO I decided I would start going to church again. Going from a farm to an apartment, not knowing very many people in a new town, and being 3 hours from my family and friends was tough at times. I went to a Christian church. This church was very welcoming and I enjoyed going. Then I became curious. I realized there was a lot I hadn't learned from the bible. So I began my study. I began reading my Bible and doing some research online. School become overwhelming so that took place and my Bible was pushed aside. Just recently I have picked it back up and back to studying. Some things are foggy and I have TONS of questions, but in time I think it will all come crystal clear. My goal is to chose my own beliefs based on me and my findings in the Bible with the help of the Lord.

My wonderful wonderful boyfriend has been introducing me to some great music. Here is one I think EVERYONE should hear. I don't think I've ever heard anything more powerful! It is called God in the Stairwell by John Tesh 

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