Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Beautiful Queen!

This past week the Jefferson County fair has been going on. Last Wednesday I was able to watch Marissa participate in the queen contest..... and she WON!!! Not that I was too surprised, she was hands down the most beautiful, confident girl on stage!

Marissa is a very beautiful, confident, funny girl who I have a feeling is going to be very successful in whatever she chooses to do!

The good looks run in the family. This is Marissa's sister Kassidy and her mama Jackie! (Yes, I know she has a great name haha) They are such a fun group to be around!

Marissa is also blessed with a wonderful brother who surprised her (and the rest of us, about giving some of us a heart attack!). I am also blessed to have such a great boyfriend in my life!

Later in the week, Marissa and her Corgi, Charlie, was named Grand Champion in dog obedience and showmanship/handling! See, I told you this girl was going to be successful!!
She had a great fair and I can't wait to follow her to Des Moines when she participates in the Iowa State Fair Queen Contest!! Good Luck Marissa!!!

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