Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm back!

I have failed to blog and keep you all updated for a couple of weeks so let me take you back in time and recap these last few weeks.

Friday the 18th I was fortunate to be able to join the Parry family at a night at Cabellas. Cabellas holds an annual event every November for black card members only. During this event they close down the whole store and open it only for Cabellas credit card members who have a black card. You earn the black card by spending so much on your Cabellas credit card a year. Adam's dad is a proud Black Card member so he took all of us to Cabellas as his guests. (I had to play Adam's sister because it is only for immediate family only) Not only does Cabellas close down the store but they also provide a free supper and free beer and wine! And here's the best part, if you use your black cabellas credit card, you get everything at employee discount! The boys got to pick out some of their Christmas gifts, Adam's mom and dad picked out a few things for their Christmas gifts, we enjoyed our meal of pork or beef, potatoes, carrots, and cheesecake! Yes, CHEESECAKE!!! That was my favorite part! :o) I enjoyed my night with the Parry's and I am looking forward to heading home after work today! Life is Grand.
I love everything about Cabelas
I love all of the animals
The fish are so fun to watch!
This is me and my VIP pass!

Last week I had a great break from school as I went home and spent a few days there. I enjoyed my break from school and time at home with family, as always. This week I am preparing for my C-Base test. Fingers crossed I can pass it the first time and not have to retake any sections! If any of you don't know, the C-Base is a standardized test that education majors have to take to get accepted into the board of education. I have to pass this test before I can take certain classes that I will need before I proceed with my career as an education student. Most students don't pass it the first time around and therefore have to retake it. BUT I'm not an ordinary student, right?? ;) 

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