Thursday, December 8, 2011

'Tis the season!

Well, it is FINALLY snowing here in the 'ville! It started snowing around 2 or 2:30 p.m. today. How much snow will we accumulate? I'm not sure but the word on the street says up to 2 inches. (Remember last time though- the word on the street was WRONG!) Finals week is just around the corner which means one more week of school!!! I had two of my finals today and would like to strut my stuff- I got a 100% on one of them!!! Whoo hooo!! (The other grade is not posted yet) With school coming to a close for winter break, the snow falling, the heated blankets out, the Christmas tree up and lit, and the Christmas songs playing on the tv radio as I sit at work typing this, It is starting to feel like Christmas!! Life is grand! After next week I will be finishing up my Christmas projects and wrapping away, then I get to head HOME!! As I think about Christmas this year, I think about how lucky I am.

The top five things I have that make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world:
1. Family (I have an amazing blood family but I also like to say that I have two other families. One of which is my neighbors, ya know those 3 amazing boys and thier mom and dad who I have spent oh so many hours with, and my boyfriend Adam's familly who are very loving and caring)
2. Support- I am so lucky to have the support I have in life. (You know the song "Who I Am by Jessica Andrews? Every time that song comes on I have to blast the radio and change up the lyrics of the chorus just slightly to this: "I am Charlotte's grandaughter, the spitting image of my father, and when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan. Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy but I've got friends that love me and they know just where I stand, it's all a part of me, that's who I am")
3. I have a very supportive boyfriend who is amazing from the inside and out. It doesn't take just an ordinary man to put up with me ya know. ;)
4. I have a place to call home and will be there to wake up to stocking stuffed and presents under the tree! (I can't help but think of those children who can't go home for Christmas because they are so sick they have to spend it in the hospital. I am positive children hospitals make the best out of the situtaion as possible and those children will have a great Christmas (I pray), but home is home, and nothing can replace that.
5. I have the ability to love and be loved!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack! We're looking forward to seeing you over your break! We are SO GLAD you were a part of our family the last 13 years:)You have a special spot in each of our hearts! We love ya "sweet peach"!
