Saturday, June 30, 2012

Project #1- room decor

There have been a few projects happening at the Taylor Farm this Summer. My first project was to redo my room. After moving back home and spending more time in my room, I decided it was time to get rid of my little girl room.
The last time my room was painted was when I was 11 years old (I am now 21) My lovely mother and grandmother helped me paint my room as a 4H project. I loved my room then and spent many hours in it playing. I still loved my room, just not for a 21 going on 22 year old :o)

This is the "bold" wall. When we started painting this room 10 years ago, we started with all the walls that very lime green you see the small stripes in.... this was not going to work. That color was way to bright. I remember my dad walking in the door from across the house and asking what in the world?! So.... this wall was the only wall we kept BOLD with stripes of pink and teal in between that lime green.
I didn't capture a before photo before moving the furniture in the middle of the wall but this wall was repainted completely white. This was so I could hang posters and such on this wall.

The reamining two walls were painting like this.... we taped off the stripes before covering the lime green with white then we stenciled it with different flowers and swirls.

and this is the final wall...

The finished product!
My jewelry corner... I also painted that mirror purple to accent

The corner of the brown closet wall and the accented purple wall

This is what I walk into every day ;o) I am still searching for the perfect bed spread.
I love my new room!

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