Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Oprah advice...

For Christmas one of my many fabulous gifts was a Kyrous touch tablet. The things you can do with this gadget are endless! Today I am back at work and it is S-L-O-W!!! So, I am exploring with my new toy and descovered and app that has quite the collection of quotes  organized in category. I am one who loves quotes. You know those wall quotes you can buy... Faith, Hope, Love..... Live, Laugh, Love.... you know what I'm talking about right? Well I am a sucker for anything like that! As I'm reading the "Friend" quotes I found one I thought was true and a little comical if you can think of a time you have had a similiar experience with a friend. I will share,

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo,
but what you want is someone who will take the
bus with you when the limo breaks down."
                                           -Oprah Winfrey

Pretty good advice huh??

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Schooooools out for....Winter Break?

out forever!
Okay, Okay, not forver.
(But hey a girl can dream right?)
I don't have much to update ya'll on today,
except for the fact that I am soooooo excited and
ready for a break!!! My official break started this morning
at approximately 10:00 a.m. when I finished presenting my last
final, which consist of 11 slides on a case study I have been studying
on and observing all semester! I hate to brag buuuuut I like to say I deserve
bragging rights at this point sooooo...... I GOT AN A!!!! WHOOHOOOOOOO
Now, I look forward to going to Omaha this weekend and meeting Adam's huge family!
Then I look forward to heading
home to my family and having
a great holiday break! What
are all of your plans for the
holiday seasons??? God Bless!

(Do you like my attempt to do my blog in the shap of a Christmas tree?)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

'Tis the season!

Well, it is FINALLY snowing here in the 'ville! It started snowing around 2 or 2:30 p.m. today. How much snow will we accumulate? I'm not sure but the word on the street says up to 2 inches. (Remember last time though- the word on the street was WRONG!) Finals week is just around the corner which means one more week of school!!! I had two of my finals today and would like to strut my stuff- I got a 100% on one of them!!! Whoo hooo!! (The other grade is not posted yet) With school coming to a close for winter break, the snow falling, the heated blankets out, the Christmas tree up and lit, and the Christmas songs playing on the tv radio as I sit at work typing this, It is starting to feel like Christmas!! Life is grand! After next week I will be finishing up my Christmas projects and wrapping away, then I get to head HOME!! As I think about Christmas this year, I think about how lucky I am.

The top five things I have that make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world:
1. Family (I have an amazing blood family but I also like to say that I have two other families. One of which is my neighbors, ya know those 3 amazing boys and thier mom and dad who I have spent oh so many hours with, and my boyfriend Adam's familly who are very loving and caring)
2. Support- I am so lucky to have the support I have in life. (You know the song "Who I Am by Jessica Andrews? Every time that song comes on I have to blast the radio and change up the lyrics of the chorus just slightly to this: "I am Charlotte's grandaughter, the spitting image of my father, and when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan. Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy but I've got friends that love me and they know just where I stand, it's all a part of me, that's who I am")
3. I have a very supportive boyfriend who is amazing from the inside and out. It doesn't take just an ordinary man to put up with me ya know. ;)
4. I have a place to call home and will be there to wake up to stocking stuffed and presents under the tree! (I can't help but think of those children who can't go home for Christmas because they are so sick they have to spend it in the hospital. I am positive children hospitals make the best out of the situtaion as possible and those children will have a great Christmas (I pray), but home is home, and nothing can replace that.
5. I have the ability to love and be loved!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Heart Of Christmas

So, Maryville did not receive any snow, just to keep you updated.

I just finished watching the movie The Heart of Christmas and if you haven't already it is a MUST see!! If you don't watch any other Christmas movie this year please look this one up! In the movie it goes through a story of this little boy who was diagnosed with Cancer. He was placed in the St. Judes Children Hospital for 18 months! As the movie tells the story of this little boy there is a lady reading his story and following his updates on Caring bridge! I have a cousin who has a very rare disease and I follow his updates on the caring bridge website as well! Anyway, the lady who is reading his story and updates everyday used to be a stay at home mom, they had what we think of as a "perfect family" (if there is such a thing). They sat down and ate family suppers every night, the dad was the little boys soccer coach, they pretty much were very close as a family and did everything together. The dad works out of the house during the day and the mom was a stay at home mom with her own part time business. Well, her business grew so much it became her full time job. This left her with no time to attend her children's activities, they all ate different things at different times, and they never had time together as a family. So, the lady was so inspired by the story that Dax (the boy diagnosed with cancer) saved her family and put them back together with his story. Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself. Back to the story of Dax. He was hospitalized for 18 months at the Children's Hospital of St Judes. They were on a roller coaster ride getting good news then not long after followed the bad news every time. They did a research study on him as a last resort and it worked! (So they thought) They got the test results back and Dax didn't have any cancer cells in his body! So, they let mom and dad take him home Christmas morning! Dax absolutely LOVED Christmas more than any other child. (the movie doesn't ever show them opening gifts, he just loved the atmosphere) While at Christmas at his grandmothers he picked up Jesus from the nativity scene. Dax loved that little baby Jesus. The next morning mom and dad got a call and it turned out there were cancer cells in Dax. There was nothing left to do so they gave Dax medication to make him comfortable for his 4-6 weeks he would have left to live his life to the fullest at home. One morning Dax's mom found the little baby Jesus in his bed. Dax had taken Jesus home with him and held onto him this whole time. It was then his mom realized Dax would never get to see another Christmas again. So, his dad set the whole house up in Christmas with a tree, lights, the whole works. Later the whole neighbor pitched in. Remember the lady who let her business get in the way of family? She was so inspired she got Dax's doctor and people from the hospital together along with people from the community and knocked on his door. They all greeted him with candles and sang Christmas songs. Dax passed a few weeks later. I am so inspired by this movie I think everyone should watch it. I've always wanted to be a part in children's lives and help them. (Hints why I am going to be a elementary teacher) I've always had this little idea in the back of my mind that I want to not only help children in school but I would LOVE the opportunity to get involved at a Children's hospital in just comforting, playing, and loving the children. If anyone has any ideas on how to learn more about that or what I would have to do and how to get involved I would love to hear your thoughts. Sorry this is such an extensive blog, I just LOVE the story and the fact that it is a true story. Merry Christmas to all and God bless!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Gearing up for snow!

Remember about a month ago when we got snow here in Maryville at the beginning of November? To the right is the morning after we got the first snow fall of this winter. I was all bundled up ready to walk to class in the beautiful winter wonderland.


I am gearing up for snow to fall again! The word on the street is we will be getting snow tomorrow!! Are you ready for it?? Is there any truth to what the little birds are telling me?? I guess we will soon find out!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm back!

I have failed to blog and keep you all updated for a couple of weeks so let me take you back in time and recap these last few weeks.

Friday the 18th I was fortunate to be able to join the Parry family at a night at Cabellas. Cabellas holds an annual event every November for black card members only. During this event they close down the whole store and open it only for Cabellas credit card members who have a black card. You earn the black card by spending so much on your Cabellas credit card a year. Adam's dad is a proud Black Card member so he took all of us to Cabellas as his guests. (I had to play Adam's sister because it is only for immediate family only) Not only does Cabellas close down the store but they also provide a free supper and free beer and wine! And here's the best part, if you use your black cabellas credit card, you get everything at employee discount! The boys got to pick out some of their Christmas gifts, Adam's mom and dad picked out a few things for their Christmas gifts, we enjoyed our meal of pork or beef, potatoes, carrots, and cheesecake! Yes, CHEESECAKE!!! That was my favorite part! :o) I enjoyed my night with the Parry's and I am looking forward to heading home after work today! Life is Grand.
I love everything about Cabelas
I love all of the animals
The fish are so fun to watch!
This is me and my VIP pass!

Last week I had a great break from school as I went home and spent a few days there. I enjoyed my break from school and time at home with family, as always. This week I am preparing for my C-Base test. Fingers crossed I can pass it the first time and not have to retake any sections! If any of you don't know, the C-Base is a standardized test that education majors have to take to get accepted into the board of education. I have to pass this test before I can take certain classes that I will need before I proceed with my career as an education student. Most students don't pass it the first time around and therefore have to retake it. BUT I'm not an ordinary student, right?? ;) 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A new respect: Trucker in my travels

As I made my journey back to Maryville Monday night I gained a new respect. It was 5:30 when I left home (it takes 3 hours to get back to Maryville) so it was already dark. As many of you know it's rut season so deer are roaming everywhere! After about 25 minutes into my journey I came up behind a semi truck. I know what you may be thinking. Oh great, I hate getting behind semis. Right? Especially in the dark when you can't see very well to pass them. Scary right? Well generally I would think the same thing and if it was day light I would have been having a little road rage when the truck driver kept slowing down to 45 mph going up a hill and 65 mph going back down the hill. This time it was a little different. I found myself feeling a lot less scared and nervous behind this big truck. I thought hey if he sees a deer before me he can plow it out of the way or blare his extremely loud horn. I somehow felt a sense of security being behind this big 18 wheeler. So, there you have it. As I found myself slowing down behind the semi going up hills and speeding up to make sure no one would get between us going down hills I gained a new respect for truckers. I thought if he ever pulls into a gas station I might just have to pull in too just to tell him how thankful I was for him. I was able to follow this wonderful truck driver all the way up till 20 minutes until I arrived home. Thank you Lord for putting that trucker in my travels.

You might be wondering. Did a deer ever cross the road?

Yes, a doe did cross the road in front of the big truck. The truck had to stomp on the breaks and blare his horn loud and clear. Thankfully that was the only deer that actually came across the road. The big ole' truck saved me as I followed his big shiny square door home.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Although the stores may have you confused, Thanksgiving (not Christmas) is right around the corner! I mean don't get me wrong I'm just as excited as the next person for Christmas! Who doesn't love Christmas?!?! As I get older it's not all about the presents anymore (don't stop the giving mama and papa :) Kidding!) I find myself looking just as much forward to giving gifts and seeing all the family. Now before I get too carried away with Christmas let's focus on Thanksgiving. I happen to be a real big fan of Thanksgiving. Food, food, and more food.... you know what that means right? Any college student's dream!!! LEFTOVERS to take home!!!! No grocery shopping for days or even weeks! So what does that lead to? You can spend your money on other types of shopping like.... CHRISTMAS!! Okay okay enough about Christmas. I do look forward to spending break back home with family and friends for Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful about. I'm thankful for many things (too many to list) including my family, friends, a nice house to live in while I go to college, my boyfriend right across the street (some days I'm more thankful for that than others ;) kidding again!), the capabilities to walk to school everyday, I'm thankful that I am lucky enough to be able attend school, to have a job, to be welcome back home whenever I want, to have financial help when I need it, to have a nice car to drive, to have all the luxury technology, On top of all things I think I am most thankful for the people in my life. I couldn't have asked for a better support system. So, Thank you Lord for giving me everything and everyone you have given me and thank you to everyone who has been apart of my life. 

If you haven't all the things you want,
be grateful for the things you don't have
that you wouldn't want.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


The first step is admitting you have a problem right? Okay, I admit I am addicted to Janet Evanovich series of books.

This is the first book I read of Janet's. (Also the first book in her series of 3.)
The second book is Motor Mouth and the third is Trouble Maker.
I have read the first and second, the third I have not found in our library yet.
Janet has several series. Another series she has includes 17 books.
In the past week I have read 2 of the books in this series. (They have around 300 pages but are easy and fast readers.) Hey, it's better than having other kinds of addictions, right?

What are your favorite book titles, series, or authors??

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Meet Spike!

Spike is the newest part of my life right now. Adam and I picked Spike up yesterday afternoon. After visiting 3 different pet stores and scoping out all of our options, we finally picked Spike the Bearded Dragon. This pet is new to me. I have seen similiar pets but I have never heard or seen a Bearded Dragon until now. Adam, however, has owned a Bearded Dragon before. He had to get rid of it when he ventured off to college his freshman year because he was living in a dorm. Now that he is in a house he missed his Dragon and has been wanting one for quite some time. We got out the big ole change bucket (Do you have one of those?) and counted $60 dollars of change!!! Wowza! After searching through cars, trucks, rooms, and sofas we came up with a total of $70! On the way to pick up this new pet of ours I commented, "Ya know we could be doing something practical with all this change like grocery shopping." But, what fun would that be? ;) Spike eats pretty healthy, I wish I had a diet that was as good as his. He eats crickets and salad. Spike it a dessert animal so he also needs a heat lamp. What a life, a heat lamp for warmth all the time and a good diet. I got to name our new pet and I picked Spike because his body has little prickly things on him. (They don't hurt when you touch him though.) When Spike gets cold he will curl up in a corner. During this time if you hold him he will just sit there not moving. So, brave me, picked Spike up out of his cardboard box, we were bringing him home in, and held him in my hand. Let me assure you Spike doesn't take long to warm up in your hand and he does not like bumps in the road! We hit a bump in the road and Spike scattered! I was like oh crap, Spike has escaped! Adam had to pull over twice on our way home to caputre Spike. Lets just say Spike spent the rest of the ride home in his box!
Meet Spike

Friday, November 4, 2011

Trick or Treat

First I would like to inform you that Maryville did not get any snow!

Secondly, Before heading back to Maryville Monday night, I got to see these precious boys for another Halloween night! They stopped by State Farm, where I was helping my mom prepare for her first night of handing candy out on the square for her work, so I could see their faces in their costumes! I was only expecting the youngest since the older two are getting pretty "cool" for many things now-a-days. I was thrilled when I saw not just one cowpoke but two!! Jaxson decided he would take advantage of getting loads of candy one more year of trick-er-treating before he threw the towel in! (If only that was my biggest decision I had to made) ;)
Aren't they handsome!! (Don't pay attention to the girl on the left)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Goodbye Fall

The big and exciting (to some, not so exciting to others) news in Maryville today is that we are supposed to get snow, thats right SNOW tonight! I am not sure how I feel about this news yet, ask me tomorrow when I have to walk in it to my 8 am class. Most of you have a favorite season, and mine used to be summer. However, as I get older I realize I don't really have a favorite season. I look forward to each and every season. Every season has something to look forward to. Summer- shorts, golden tan, lake, sun, warmth! Spring- flowers, cooler days, rainy days good for reading and napping. Fall- trees changing colors, leaves falling, hunting, bonfires, football, halloween. Winter- cute winter clothes, boots, sweater dresses, sitting by the heater, hot chocolate, wrapped in a blanket with someone you love, movie nights, and Christmas!! See what I mean? I love all the season's. However, I am not sure if I am quite ready to say goodbye to fall just yet! It' only the beginning of November, can't the snow hold off for just a little bit longer?! So in memory of fall 2011 I will post a couple pictures of harvest time!
Yes, you see it right. This here is my Dad and I harvesting the good ole fashion way with no combines. Dad used the tractor and corn picker(if that is the correct name for it) to pick the corn that shot into a wagon following the corn picker. I (with help from my mom, brother, his gf, and my bf) picked up corn by hand off the ground that Dad had missed. As I rode in the tractor down the road, Dad and I joked about how redneck we must have looked with our old machinery. He asks "You don't care if your seen with this old stuff?" and I reply "Nah, whatever works." I may never admit it to his face but I really love doing things the ole fashion way and making things work on the farm with my dearest Daddy-o and the fam!

I had to go ahead and add a few more pictures from this fall....
This is Adam and I (he is the boyfriend) ;)
After a night of fishing at Colden Pond (A pond on campus)
To the left is Dylan (Adam's brother), my roommate Lindsey, Me and Adam.
I love the lights in the background reflecting on the pond.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Hi ya'll!
I am new to this blogging thing. I recently decided to get away from the world of facebook as it was very time consuming and dramatic! I decided to make my own blog for my close friends and family so they can follow me and also my cyber friends! My wonder neighbor introduced me to and I fell in love! I love reading her posts, keeping updated in her life while I am away at college and also looking at ideas on her cyber friends posts. I realize this too will probably be time consuming but I feel like it won't be as bad as facebook once I get the hang of things and far less dramatic! If any of you don't have a facebook I will inform you it is a nice way to keep in touch with your friends and family by viewing pictures and sending "wall posts" and "inbox messages" but it can also be very mean and hurtful! I look forward to learning more about this site and blogging! :o)