Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dollars for Granddad!!

'Tis the season! I am ready for Christmas! The cookies are baked, presents are wrapped, and I am getting to spend quality time this week with the boyfriend in Chicago! Couldn't get much better than this..... except there is one thing that keeps coming to mind. Recently, my boyfriend's grandpa was diagnosed with brain cancer. They were able to remove 95% of the brain tumor and he has just started chemo. Although this is no easy news to hear any time of the year, this time of year seems to make is especially hard.

I had the privilege of meeting Landon's grandfather this Summer and he is a hoot!! Such a lively, caring, loving guy! I can see where Landon gets some of his traits (along with his mother)! As you can imagine, the Greenfield family have been having an extra stressful season. I am not asking for pitty or for anyone to feel bad for them. This is just something that has been on my mind everyday. I want to help in some way. I'm no doctor, and obviously can't make the drive to Omaha everyday to help around the house so I'm been trying to find a way I can help from right here at home. I decided, why not try to start a fund? Tis the season for giving, maybe there are others out there willing to pitch in an extra dollar and skip buying a pop for the day, or maybe an encouraging note. I have to say, I had an absolute BLAST with Grandpa when I met him. We played the game Apples to Apples and I could have build a pond with the tears that were rolling down my face from laughing SO hard. He really is a great guy, and I'm not just saying that. Having only met him once, I feel closer than that to him. He had so many nice things to say and I look forward to seeing him again soon. Grandpa is a very strong guy who I believe can beat this cancer!

So, this is what I am proposing. If any of you blog followers out there would like to send a dollar for granddad to help with his needs, I know ALL of us would appreciate it SO very much. He is so very blessed with many friends and family that are already helping in so many ways, I just wanted to be able to help as well. If you would like to send a dollar or even an encouraging note, please contact me at taylor.jackie.c@gmail.com! Thank you!

Merry Christmas and God Bless!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

that "right" feeling

Well, many things are continuing to keep me busy and everyday I feel blessed to have this wonderful life I live. (Are you tired of hearing that yet?? Sorry, I just can't get over it!) I have many things I could blog about but tonight I escpecially want to blog about that "right" feeling I had.

As many of you know, I have been attending school to be an elementary teacher. I will be starting my student teaching in January and graduating in May. Today, I just started my supervised participation. This consist of observing, and participating in the classroom along with teaching a lesson. The classroom teacher I will be working with for the next few weeks was gone today so a substitute was there. But, she was very easy to talk to and I had so much fun! I have many stories I could tell but I especially want to share two!

1) There was a boy in the class that was having a hard time paying attention because the cup of marbles on his desk was too tempting to play with. (Each pod of 4 has a cup and if they are caught doing something good, they are given a marble. The first group to fill their cup gets a prize, which Im not sure what that is yet, I am sure I will find out soon!) I learned in my many classes I have taken that simply walking toward a kid of standing by them can stop their behavior without you even having to open your mouth or call them out in front of the class. At first I wasn't sure if it was my place to correct the behavior of this particular student but the teacher was busy teaching and I couldn't ignore the fact that this student was going to miss out on learning what was a brand new concept. I thought, if he doesn't pay attention now, he wont learn this concept and everything built on top of it will be very confusing and hard for him to learn later on! So, I thought why not try what I have been taught and simply walk over to him. So I did, and...............IT WORKED!! He immediately knew he needed to put the marbles back in the cup and pay attention. So I stood there awhile to see what his reaction would be. Well, a couple minutes later he could not resist the temptation and started playing with his marbles again. So I tried another trick I was taught and simply put my hand on his shoulder and....... IT WORKED AGAIN! I was feeling pretty good, I didn't have to make a scene in front of his classmates and he was paying attention. I stood there awhile and felt he was paying attention so I walked away. After some time, again the boy started playing with his marbles. I waited to see what the teacher would do and she was busy teaching so I decided to walk over to him again, and again he instantly put the marbles in the cup and even placed them on another students desk. I thought I had given him enough nonverbal warnings so I got down on the boys level and whispered that if the marbles continued to be a problem I would have to take them away (having marbles taken out of your cup is not a good thing) (again, not knowing if I should follow through with this if I had to, I was a bit worried) But the boy listened and we didn't have a problem the rest of the class! **Feeling accomplished**

2) There is a little girl who gets picked on from time to time in class. I was only there a day and I could pick up on this fast. So, during writing time the students were asked to write about Halloween, either what they did last year, or what they expect it to be like this year. This little girl says "Well this is going to be fun..... not!" and a little boy says to her "(her name), that wasn't even funny" So the two of them start arguing. Unable to just ignore the behavior once again, I went over and stood between the two of their desks and ask the girl to get her notebook out and start righting like her classmates were doing. She said to me, "I don't have anything to write about" I replied with "You don't have any Halloween stories?" She says "no, not really" I continue with "What about this year? You could write about what you are going to wear and what you hope your night to be like." She continues with, "I don't even know what Im doing tomorrow" So I mentioned "well, what does it look like around your house on Halloween?" She says "the dogs are in the yard, the cars are in the driveway, and we don't have any decorations because the dogs tear them up." Driven to not give up and let this little girl just not write I said "Well there ya go! Write about how you won't find any halloween decorations outside your house because the dogs tear them up!" She continues to say "I dont think that will work, thats boring." I say "Thats not boring, I think thats funny!" She says, "really? Noone thinks Im funny, they all think Im dumb." I encourage her by saying "well I think you can make it a very funny story!" She says "Okay, I will give it a try" and she wrote for the rest of writing time.

I was so happy with how I could help the students today and I just had that exciting feeling like hey this is really what I am supposed to do and I can't wait to get my teaching license! We all have that wonder, is this really what I want to do? Can I be successful at this? Well today I answered those questions.... YES!!!! This is exactly what I want to do and yes, I can be successful!!

I get asked the question, what grade do you want to teach? often and when I respond "the lower grades, Pre-K through first preferably" sometimes I get the answer "Oh, so a glorified babysitter, you're going to be babysitting 25 kids all day". I would like to tell all those people who think I am a licensed glorifed babysitter, No I am not a glorified teacher, I am teaching the first steps of schooling you, your kids, employees, and everyone else need before they can do their job!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Hello fellow bloggers! It's been awhile since I have blogged. Hmmm what to blog about. There are so many things I could blog about but would hate to bore you all. So a few updates in my life...

1) We finally got my brother married off at the end of September. It was a beautiful wedding and we could not have ask for more perfect weather!

2) I've been going through many health issues that aren't fun. Nothing drastic, I had a cold then I had mono and now I have a rash that has taken over my body from the medicine! It has been a long month!

3) I have been reading my bible a lot. I try to read every morning or night. I have to admit there are some days I don't make time for the bible. I'm learning a lot through God's word! I have been going to church with my boyfriend's family. The little church they are a part of is very small so it feels like a family. I love it! I am excited to be starting bible studies soon with the pastor!

4) I will be attending my very FIRST Iowa game at Iowa City this Saturday! It's a night game, I am so excited!!

5) I just received my placement for one term of student teaching. I will be in Kindergarten with the teacher I requested, so I am very happy and excited abou that! This week is the last week of classes for Term 1. Just one more Term of classroom classes for me and it's off to Student teaching in January! I am very nervous and excited at the same time! Not sure what to expect :o)

6) I will be attending my very FIRST Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert in December with Landon's (the boyfriend) family in Chicago!!

7) I will also be attending my very FIRST Iowa Basketball game in January!! (can you tell I am an Iowa fan? Go Hawks!) 

8) I am an extremely lucky girl to have an amazing boyfriend to share so many great memories with. I am also lucky and so very blessed to have his family in my life. I love my family and what I like to call my extended family so very much! What a lucky girl I am :o)

9) The month of October has been a busy month for birthdays. We celebrated my brothers girlfriends birthday, my birthday, and Landon's dad's birthday all within a couple weeks of each other. Also, this month is the annual Savage reunion (my mom's side of the family). It is always fun to get together and see everyone!

10) I carved my annual pumpkin a couple weeks ago at the Greenfield household. It was super fun picking out and carving our pumkins. Landon and I along with his two sisters and his olders sisters husband all went out to pick the perfect pumpkin to carve. It was a great night, we stayed up past midnight working on our pumkins! I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my face. The guys were very serious in their pumpkin carving while us girls were laughing way too hard. My pumpkin turned out to be not what I was intending, but that just makes it all the more unique! LOL!

I have been enjoying my life and I feel very blessed for the life I live!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thank God for answered prayers!

Yesterday I set out on my second journey to Chicago, but this time all by myself (I missed you Marissa, the drive wasn't quite the same without you and I don't remember driving through so much chaotic traffic! whew stressful! lol) I made it with no problems. I called my mom to inform her that I had made it (we all know it's a mother's job to worry too much) and my heart sank as I heard her say my father was in the hospital. Mom was called 30 minutes after I had left town with the news that dad was admitted into the er with major chest pains. Mixed emotions of not know what in the world was going on, why I wasn't told sooner so I could turn around (only being 30 minutes away) and be with my dad, and the thought of this isn't really happening was all going through my head. I instantly prayed, prayed for the Lord to be with my father and comfort him. I didn't know what else to do, here I was 6 hours from my daddy who is so strong nothing ever hurts him. If you know my father he will never go to the doctor unless the pain is so unbearable he can't handle it (and he handles ALOT). So the thought of my dad in the hospital was not easy. I said many many prayers the rest of the night and got news this morning that he was feeling fine now and was released to go home. They still do not know what the cause of his chest pains were but will be doing more tests tomorrow or Friday. Thank you Lord for answered prayers.

He obviously doesn't like his picture taken so this is what he gets ;)

I love you Daddy!!

On that note, I have been meaning to blog about my newest study. When I was a little girl I went to church with my parents. We went to the Baptist Church. From what I remember, the church was great. As I got older, my family stopped attending church regularly because sometimes that was the only day dad could get anything done on the farm. When I moved away from home to attend college in MO I decided I would start going to church again. Going from a farm to an apartment, not knowing very many people in a new town, and being 3 hours from my family and friends was tough at times. I went to a Christian church. This church was very welcoming and I enjoyed going. Then I became curious. I realized there was a lot I hadn't learned from the bible. So I began my study. I began reading my Bible and doing some research online. School become overwhelming so that took place and my Bible was pushed aside. Just recently I have picked it back up and back to studying. Some things are foggy and I have TONS of questions, but in time I think it will all come crystal clear. My goal is to chose my own beliefs based on me and my findings in the Bible with the help of the Lord.

My wonderful wonderful boyfriend has been introducing me to some great music. Here is one I think EVERYONE should hear. I don't think I've ever heard anything more powerful! It is called God in the Stairwell by John Tesh 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Beautiful Queen!

This past week the Jefferson County fair has been going on. Last Wednesday I was able to watch Marissa participate in the queen contest..... and she WON!!! Not that I was too surprised, she was hands down the most beautiful, confident girl on stage!

Marissa is a very beautiful, confident, funny girl who I have a feeling is going to be very successful in whatever she chooses to do!

The good looks run in the family. This is Marissa's sister Kassidy and her mama Jackie! (Yes, I know she has a great name haha) They are such a fun group to be around!

Marissa is also blessed with a wonderful brother who surprised her (and the rest of us, about giving some of us a heart attack!). I am also blessed to have such a great boyfriend in my life!

Later in the week, Marissa and her Corgi, Charlie, was named Grand Champion in dog obedience and showmanship/handling! See, I told you this girl was going to be successful!!
She had a great fair and I can't wait to follow her to Des Moines when she participates in the Iowa State Fair Queen Contest!! Good Luck Marissa!!!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Project #1- room decor

There have been a few projects happening at the Taylor Farm this Summer. My first project was to redo my room. After moving back home and spending more time in my room, I decided it was time to get rid of my little girl room.
The last time my room was painted was when I was 11 years old (I am now 21) My lovely mother and grandmother helped me paint my room as a 4H project. I loved my room then and spent many hours in it playing. I still loved my room, just not for a 21 going on 22 year old :o)

This is the "bold" wall. When we started painting this room 10 years ago, we started with all the walls that very lime green you see the small stripes in.... this was not going to work. That color was way to bright. I remember my dad walking in the door from across the house and asking what in the world?! So.... this wall was the only wall we kept BOLD with stripes of pink and teal in between that lime green.
I didn't capture a before photo before moving the furniture in the middle of the wall but this wall was repainted completely white. This was so I could hang posters and such on this wall.

The reamining two walls were painting like this.... we taped off the stripes before covering the lime green with white then we stenciled it with different flowers and swirls.

and this is the final wall...

The finished product!
My jewelry corner... I also painted that mirror purple to accent

The corner of the brown closet wall and the accented purple wall

This is what I walk into every day ;o) I am still searching for the perfect bed spread.
I love my new room!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Love the life I live

I made it back from Chicago, could not have asked for a more wonderful weekend!! I am so blessed and thankful for the life and the people that God has placed in my life!

Our Journey
This sweet girl, Marissa, and I made it to Chicago Aurora Mall Friday afternoon where we did some shopping before heading to the O'Hare airport.
With just one detour, we found our way to the airport to pick up this fabulous guy! The three of us ended the night with some grocery shopping and relaxing on the couch after a day of traveling.

Saturday we layed by the pool for a few hours and caught some rays before cleaning up to hit up yet another mall. Two malls in one weekend? Who wouldn't love that?! After spoiling ourselves we ate dinner and met my lovely friend Whitney at the train station!
After some discussion, these two realized they were kindergarten/4th grade buddies back in grade school!! What a small world we live in! Aren't they beautiful??

Sunday we headed to the train station to ride the metra to downtown Chicago! This was my very first train ride! I am glad I was not alone- I think I would have been very intimidated! 
When we got off the metra we walked around downtown and saw many beautiful tall buildings as we found our way to the water taxi!
Water taxi with the girls!

This is my very first water taxi experience!

We rode the water taxi through downtown all the way to Navy Pier!
This is the view looking back on the water taxi when arriving at Navy Pier, isn't it beautiful??
This is walking into Navy Pier
This is the view on top of the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier
We also ate lunch, walked around, saw some very beautiful stained glass, then we headed off to track down a cab (my very first cab ride) to take to see the Bean!

After seeing the Bean, we saw this very cool water tower that has a digital picture and changes
so the guys mouth opens and shoots out water! There were kids every where playing in the water
and cooling off on a hot day.

I had an amazing weekend in the windy city and can't wait to go back!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Summer Sun

Summer has officially arrived!! Yay! I have been behind in my blogging lately, sorry! So, here is a little update on my life! I am keeping busy with school, started Buena Vista at Indian Hills campus, going to night classes twice a week and have an online class that keeps me busy. I am pushing hard to get classes out of the way so I will be able to student teach in Januar 2013 and graduate may 2013, VERY excited!

I have also been enjoying the sun and being outside a lot mowing and such. I couldn't ask God for a better life and support system than I already have. I've enjoyed babysitting my cousins, spending time with my family, planting flowers with my fabulous neighbor, and soaking up some rays!

I am planning a trip to Chicago soon and meet my best friend who I haven't seen in months! She is a very busy girl, I'm so proud of her! Of course I didn't expect anything less but she traveled to China for school then the very next day she got back, she was off again to Michigan for an internship! We have a lot of catching up to do so why not do it over some shopping in Chicago?? :o)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Making the Move

Yes, the rumors are true, I'm moving back home!! Tomorrow is the day!! No, I have not graduated yet. I am moving back home to continue my education through Buena Vista which is much more affordable than the out of state tuition! I will also have more opportunities back home as far as finding a job in my career field! I am excited to be back with my family, friends, and neighbors!!

Here's a few other things I'm excited to come home for...
1) My oldest Brother's wedding- he is marrying the most beautiful girl around!!
2) Attending the Davis herd rodeos- the most amazing rodeo goers I know! Seriously- you should watch this group sometime, they might as well go pro!!
3) Summer- bring on the pool and sun!
4) Cousins- they have grown too fast already!!
5) Home cookin!! Enough with the fast food and box food please!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pictures from Spring Break!

We swam with the manatees

Visited my grandparents property

Went to the Homosassa Springs park

Stayed at Clearwater beach

Went Parasailing

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring break!

It is that time of year.... Spring Break is here!!! Usually I don't really do anything exciting besides the fact that I don't have class for a whole week! That itself is pretty exciting BUT this year I get to do somthing even more exciting!!! I get to visit my grandparents in FLORIDA!!  Whoohoo!! My mom and I will be flying out Saturday morning and will arrive in Floriday around noon! I am ready for the sunshine, warm weather, swimming with manatees, and a break from school! (Although the weather here has been absolutely beautiful lately!!) When I arrive back to MO I will try to get pics posted of my trip. Hope everyone who is attending spring break has a very fun and safe break!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Tonight's agenda....
Finishing up homework in bed with a twix and Reba on the tv screen.
Now that's perfection!! How could it get any better than this? Okay,
let's not get greedy ;o)

How is your perfect night off your feet look like??

Monday, January 30, 2012

I love my brothers!!!

Okay, so in class today I am sitting here listening to my favorite college professor (ya know, the one I mentioned in the previous post?) We are learning about different models from different theorists. Well today, we learned that in our classroom we need to especially look after those shy kids. At first I'm thinking nah, I was a shy girl and I didn't have any big problems. As she continued her lecture I'm pretty sure if someone were to take my picture my eyes would be bigger than...... Well they would be about to pop out of my head okay. This is her story: Michelle (an 8 year old girl in her 3ed grade classroom) always ask if she could stay after school. She would offer to scrub the desks, wash the chalk board, and even clean the errasers. After school is a time for teachers to finally collect all their thoughts and figure out what went good, what needs changed, and get ready for the next day. So the teacher would tell Michelle okay, but just for a few minutes then you have to get going because people are expecting you at home. This went on and the teacher would ask if everything was okay, Michelle would respond with a smile like nothing was wrong and say yea everything is fine. This went on for 6 or 7 days. Finally the teacher could not shoo this girl out of the room so she asked again, Michelle, is there something I need to know? The girl broke down isntantly into tears and this is what she said, "When I go home my brother brings his friends over and....well you know." The teacher responded was in schock, "What are you talking about Michelle?" "Everyday after school my brother brings his friends over and,..... they do horrible things to my body."

Michelle's (8 years old) brother (a highschooler) had his friends over and sexually assaulted his little sister until their mother came home from work.

I was in complete schock. My mouth was probably about to hit the table. I am the youngest of 3 kids and the only girl. My two older brothers were (and still are) completely opposite of Michelle's brother. If their friends were to even give me a look of like hey you're cute my brothers instantly would some how let them know, hey buddy back off thats my sister. Now at time, especially in my earlier teens, I would hate this. I mean, come on, they were scaring all the guys away!! Okay, I secretely thought it was pretty kewl to have two brothers that looked after me and who I always felt protected around.

As this story is not shocking enough, my teacher gave us a true statistic. Warning: you may want to sit down for this and have a glass of water handy. In little town of Maryville MO in JUST the ELEMENTARY school (not counting middle or high school) in this past SEMESTER there were 200 cases of sexual abuse. THAT IS CRAZY!!!!!!!!

Conclusion: I will watch out for those shy stand offish students, I will be on my tip toes, and I am soooooo grateful I have such LOVING and CARING brothers whom I adore (Shhhh don't tell them! I don't think they know I have this blog ;) )

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I've always known...

Ever Since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to grow up to be a teacher someday. I would pretend play and act as though I was a teacher all the time growing up. I had an amazing kindergarten teacher who was the kindest of the kind. I looked up to her and still today I hope to be as good as teacher as she was. Now, I have an amazing college teacher. She has taught for many many years in all grades. She tells us about her experiences with many poverty schools. This teacher is one that just "get's it" so she teaches us so we can "get it" too. I wanted to share with you a story she shared with us about a little boy. (Remember this is from a poverty school in a town where families didn't have much.)

In the Summer when this teacher received her list of students she was going to have when school started up, everyone told her, "Oh good luck with him, he is trouble!". They were talking about a particular boy who never had a chance from the beginning because he had that label. This particular outstanding teacher wrote each one of her future kiddos a short letter each a little different. To the boy she wrote somthing similiar to this, "Dear _______, I look forward to having you in my classroom. I know we are going to have a lot of fun this year. Love, _________" The very first day of school that little boy came to her and took out a folded piece of paper. It was the letter he had kept all summer long and he said, "Is this really for me?? Is this supposed to have someone else's name on it? Have you not heard about me from the other teachers?" My teacher told him yes that note was for him and she was looking forward to having a great school year. Right then that boy knew he had a chance. My teacher set up a system for this boy to succeed. I can't remember the details but she set a goal for him and if he reached that goal my teacher and her husband would take him bowling. He reached the goal and my teacher went to pick him up to take him bowling. When they arrived at the boys house, she knocked on the door and the screen literally fell down. A lady answered the door and said, "Who are you, what do you want?". My teacher explained that she was going to take the boy out for bowling. The lady said, "Why do you want to do that, he ain't good for nothin." My teacher did take him bowling and she knew she had to do somthing about the boys living situation. She contacted civil services. She called the second day to follow up on it. She contacted them the third day. She called and called until that boy was safe. She found out the little boy and his sister had been sexually abused by the father. The boy no longer lives in that household. It's no wonder that boy may have acted out in school and it just takes one teacher to give him a chance.

I stumbled upon this video recently....

Growing up I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. As a future teacher I promise myself I will be just like my kindergarten teacher and my college professor. I will give each and everyone of my darlings a chance. There will be no labels. I pray there are no issues like my teachers story and this video but I am sure there will be sometime in my career. If and when that time comes, I will NOT be one that lets this happen, "Alyssa lies with Jesus because there's nothing anyone would do."

If you aren't a teacher, you can help too! Some things I have learned to watch for are long sleeves and turtle necks when it's warm, a lot of makeup that looks like they might be trying to cover something, bruises, and actions. Abuse isn't only in children, it's in teens and even adults.

As another one of my teachers told me, I am aware teachers don't make a lot of money. I won't have a mansion, a butler with a white towel over his arm, or Ferarris in my garage. What I will have is somthing much greater than all that, and that's what I will have inside me, in my heart.

(I hope this post isn't too sad or brings you down because it shouldn't. Be happy, you can make a difference in someone's like, and that is exciting!)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

J's Jewelry

Welcome to J's Jewelry! A custom "personal business" I created. I have enjoyed it! I love creating unique pieces. I like having something noone else has. I am working on getting something better set up in terms of viewing the jewelry so hold tight! In the mean time I will try to post some pics on here and if you are interested contact me and I will personally send you more pics of what I have. You can also order your own custom with the colors you would like and I will personally make one to fill you desires!  
This set is sold!
Hope you love it Jess!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Church, LORD, religion....

Did you get the chance to watch the last episode of Extreme Home Makeover the other night on ABC??  If you did not, I would encourage you to look it on the web somewhere. It was absolutely AMAZING! For those that don't know, the episode did 7 houses in 7 days in Joplin MO!! (Joplin is the town where that horrifying tornado blew through and flattened the whole town basically. The biggest tornado there is on the scale.)

I have a friend who goes to school in Joplin. She is majoring in education, just like I am. I met her through my cousin. We share the same cousin but we are not related. Well, not through blood or marriage anyway. If you ask us though, we are unbiological twins ;) As we've gotten to know each other this past year or two especially, we've come to find out we're a lot a like.

If you saw Deidre on the street you would think she was a normal college girl living and loving life. I'm here to tell you she is so much more than that. She is an angel and the LORD has such a big and beautiful plan for this girl. She has been through more than I could even imagine being through my whole life and she's only in her early 20's!!! She probably has been through more than I know but let me tell you about the two biggest life changing events in her life (that I know of).

Thursday May 24, 2007
At the age of 17 Deidre was hanging out with a friend on a typical Summer day. They were driving down the highway headed to pick up her friend's brother. Deidre got into the loose gravel on the side of the road and overcorrected trying to control the car. This sent the car rolling 3-5 times. Her head, outside the drivers side window, hitting the pavement each time. (Can you even imagine???) After sliding even further down the road the car came to a stop on it's hood. Deidre was trapped inside her car for 40 minutes or more unconscious. Her friend walked away with a few scrapes and bruises. Deidra was put on a stretcher in the bed of a truck where they hauled her to the top of the hill where a helicoptor was landing to rush her to a hospital.

At the hospital
Deidre spent 6 or 7 hours in a room where teams of 20 or more doctors put stitches in. They lost count after 250 stitches. She spent 3 days in the hospital. This whole tragedy is horrible enough but theres more. Deidre could not have her mom beside her holding her hand until Saturday. (Remember the wreck was on Thursday.) Her mom had gone to Guatemala the day before her wreck for missionary work and she was not able to get a flight back until Saturday. Deidre broke her eye socket and her nose.

Deidra was not able to attend our cousin Luke's graduation (which is where I first heard about her accident).When I was talking to my aunt at my cousins graduation party about Deidre's wreck. My aunt said if you saw her you would not have recognized her. She said on the back of her head you could literally lift her skin. Deidre still to this day has several pieces of glass and asphalt in her face and head. I can not imagine the pain Deidre went through. Also, I can't even begin to imagine the pain her mom went through not being able to be there with her daughter.

May 22, 2010 (almost exactly 3 years to the day later)
Three quarter mile wide tornado blew through Joplin. Single deadliest tornado in more than half a century. A warning sounded 24 minutes before the tornado actually hit. The damage is unreal. Two blocks down from where the edge of the tornado hit is where Deidres apartment stands. TWO BLOCKS!! Deidre had the opportunity to help Extreme Home Makeover with the houses which is so cool!

So, how is this girl still here today? Living life to the fullest, like any other college girl? She is an angel sent from the heaven above and the LORD has a plan for her. I can't wait to see what all this girl has set for her future. For God to protect her the way he has, it's got to be big.

This blog is getting very lengthy but I think it's a miracle. I believe in miracles, I've seen them many time in my life from people that mean very much to me. My cousin with INAD (very rare genetic disease) is still here with us today, he will be 10 this year! (He is one of these miracles, you can view his story on http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jaredose/mystory)

I've been going to Adam's church when we go to his house. It's a Catholic church, I am Bapitist so I don't participate in Communion. The Catholic church is very different than what I'm used to. This is an issue we struggle with. In our future, what will happen if one of us is Catholic and one of us is Baptist. What church will we go to? Where would our children go to? I came accross this video and I thought it was very interesting, it makes you think a little....

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I NEGU, do you?

I like to "catch up" on news on the yahoo website every now and then. Today I was shocked, heart broken, inspired and joyed all at the same time.

I've mentioned before that I would love to get involved in helping in the children's hospital some day. That is one of my ultimate goals. Finish college, find a teacher position, raise a family, and find a way to get involved at a children's hospital.

NEGU is a non profit organization that a 12 year old started up with the help of her family and friends. NEGU is short for Never Ever Give Up. Jessica Joy Rees was diagnosed with brain cancer in March. Her ten month long battle ended Thursday as she was sent to heaven to watch over her family, friends, and all those children who have serious illnesses and need a guardian angel who will NEGU.
Look Jessie up on facebook! Glance through some of her pictures, read the picture discriptions, and you will see how this young 12 year old had a heart of gold.

Jessie started Joy Jars. These jars were filled and handed out to children with illnesses.

This picture was on her facebook. Her caption said, "I do". Jessie, I do too!

Prayers going out to the Rees family!

I wish I could put all her amazing pictures on here but that would probably take too much room. I do encourage you to check out her facebook! (You don't have to have a facebook account to view hers) I can not get her blog to open but she also has a blog that she posted on when she became diagnosed.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Do you ever have those customers who you wish you could take a wash cloth and wipe those nasty stuck up looks off their face? Maybe even give them a recorder to show them how rude they sound??

I love going to work each day and helping brides, bridesmaids, prom goers, and any other girl (or guy) who walks in make their occassion easier and as joyable as I can. I love bringing a smile to their face and truly making them happy. This past week I have been working with a bride who has stopped in a few times.

Day 1: A gal called and asked if she would be interfering with anyone's appointment is she stopped in to glance around at some dresse. I told her not at all and to stop in at any time.The first time she stopped in (about 30- 45 minutes after she called) she was just trying to get an idea of what kind of budget she needs to start planning for for a wedding gown. I showed her what we have here on the floor, the catelogs we can order from and other options some brides choose to take if they are on a tight budget. She said she didn't want to try any on that day because she wanted to include her friends. I told her that was just fine. I sent her home with a few little books to look through.

Day 2: She called again asking if she would be interfering with an appointment. (What a considerate gal!!) She came in and she said she decided she wanted to go ahead and try on a few dresses to see if she liked any. I said sure, not a problem. She picked out two that she liked and I helped her get them out of the bags, fluffed and on. The first on she tried on she fell in love. She asked how much it was. IT WAS SHOCKINGLY ONE OF OUR $95 DRESSES!!!! She thought I was kidding. She mentioned the only thing she would change is to make it fuller. I thought fast, I grabbed a poofy slip from the back and walaa, perfect! So, she decides to try on the other dress just to make sure she wouldn't like it better. She didn't. This particular gal was not on too tight of a budget. She was thinking more of the $1000 budget for a dress. She puts her clothes back on and I asked her if she would like to try any others on while she was here. She glances around again and just loves the one she aleady chose. She calls her mom to see if she was in town and had time to come check it out. She can't. The gal turns to me, "I really love this dress, and it's weird I would choose the cheapest dress, but I don't want to make a final decision without someone else seeing it on me also." I said that's totally fine, I would be the same way. She asks, "is there anyway I can hold it to make sure noone buys it?" Usually we have to have some money down to hold a dress but this gal was so polite, sweet, and the dress being as cheap as it was I told her I would hold it and make sure noone would take it from under her. The look on her face was priceless. She was so pleased. She thanked me many times and I thanked her right back. I wanted to tell her I wish there were more people in the world like her. She assured me she would let me know about the dress in the next day or two.

The very next day (day 3): She calls, again to make sure she wouldn't infere or take attention away from an appointment. She comes back in and brings her mom (an equally sweet lady). Tries on the dress, her mom loves it also. Long story short, they buy the dress and the slip I had her try on under it. She was so thrilled!! On the way out the door she told me she would be back saturday with her bridesmaids to pick out their dresses!

Heres to 2012 and being filled with more customers like her!!!! :o)

"Too often we under estimate the power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment,
or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential
to turn a life around."