Thursday, December 15, 2011

Schooooools out for....Winter Break?

out forever!
Okay, Okay, not forver.
(But hey a girl can dream right?)
I don't have much to update ya'll on today,
except for the fact that I am soooooo excited and
ready for a break!!! My official break started this morning
at approximately 10:00 a.m. when I finished presenting my last
final, which consist of 11 slides on a case study I have been studying
on and observing all semester! I hate to brag buuuuut I like to say I deserve
bragging rights at this point sooooo...... I GOT AN A!!!! WHOOHOOOOOOO
Now, I look forward to going to Omaha this weekend and meeting Adam's huge family!
Then I look forward to heading
home to my family and having
a great holiday break! What
are all of your plans for the
holiday seasons??? God Bless!

(Do you like my attempt to do my blog in the shap of a Christmas tree?)


  1. You go girl! What a festive post! CONGRATS on your A too. What a brainiac you are. Praying for safe travels for you. Do not forget to stop in and visit the Herd while you're back. We MISS you!!

  2. Thank you! I will most definately be stopping by with a few goodies when I come home for break! How does Friday the 23ed sound?? I know it's real close to Christmas so you may already have plans, if so we can schedule a different day. :o) Miss you all too, and look forward to seeing ya again!
