Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dollars for Granddad!!

'Tis the season! I am ready for Christmas! The cookies are baked, presents are wrapped, and I am getting to spend quality time this week with the boyfriend in Chicago! Couldn't get much better than this..... except there is one thing that keeps coming to mind. Recently, my boyfriend's grandpa was diagnosed with brain cancer. They were able to remove 95% of the brain tumor and he has just started chemo. Although this is no easy news to hear any time of the year, this time of year seems to make is especially hard.

I had the privilege of meeting Landon's grandfather this Summer and he is a hoot!! Such a lively, caring, loving guy! I can see where Landon gets some of his traits (along with his mother)! As you can imagine, the Greenfield family have been having an extra stressful season. I am not asking for pitty or for anyone to feel bad for them. This is just something that has been on my mind everyday. I want to help in some way. I'm no doctor, and obviously can't make the drive to Omaha everyday to help around the house so I'm been trying to find a way I can help from right here at home. I decided, why not try to start a fund? Tis the season for giving, maybe there are others out there willing to pitch in an extra dollar and skip buying a pop for the day, or maybe an encouraging note. I have to say, I had an absolute BLAST with Grandpa when I met him. We played the game Apples to Apples and I could have build a pond with the tears that were rolling down my face from laughing SO hard. He really is a great guy, and I'm not just saying that. Having only met him once, I feel closer than that to him. He had so many nice things to say and I look forward to seeing him again soon. Grandpa is a very strong guy who I believe can beat this cancer!

So, this is what I am proposing. If any of you blog followers out there would like to send a dollar for granddad to help with his needs, I know ALL of us would appreciate it SO very much. He is so very blessed with many friends and family that are already helping in so many ways, I just wanted to be able to help as well. If you would like to send a dollar or even an encouraging note, please contact me at taylor.jackie.c@gmail.com! Thank you!

Merry Christmas and God Bless!!