Saturday, November 5, 2011

Meet Spike!

Spike is the newest part of my life right now. Adam and I picked Spike up yesterday afternoon. After visiting 3 different pet stores and scoping out all of our options, we finally picked Spike the Bearded Dragon. This pet is new to me. I have seen similiar pets but I have never heard or seen a Bearded Dragon until now. Adam, however, has owned a Bearded Dragon before. He had to get rid of it when he ventured off to college his freshman year because he was living in a dorm. Now that he is in a house he missed his Dragon and has been wanting one for quite some time. We got out the big ole change bucket (Do you have one of those?) and counted $60 dollars of change!!! Wowza! After searching through cars, trucks, rooms, and sofas we came up with a total of $70! On the way to pick up this new pet of ours I commented, "Ya know we could be doing something practical with all this change like grocery shopping." But, what fun would that be? ;) Spike eats pretty healthy, I wish I had a diet that was as good as his. He eats crickets and salad. Spike it a dessert animal so he also needs a heat lamp. What a life, a heat lamp for warmth all the time and a good diet. I got to name our new pet and I picked Spike because his body has little prickly things on him. (They don't hurt when you touch him though.) When Spike gets cold he will curl up in a corner. During this time if you hold him he will just sit there not moving. So, brave me, picked Spike up out of his cardboard box, we were bringing him home in, and held him in my hand. Let me assure you Spike doesn't take long to warm up in your hand and he does not like bumps in the road! We hit a bump in the road and Spike scattered! I was like oh crap, Spike has escaped! Adam had to pull over twice on our way home to caputre Spike. Lets just say Spike spent the rest of the ride home in his box!
Meet Spike


  1. I'm just going to see if this will post before I go CrAzY with a lengthy comment:)

  2. What in the world! I DID attempt to post 2 more comments after the one above...where ARE they? I thought they posted! TOTAL FRUSTRATION!!!!

    Lets see if this posts????????

  3. hooray, hooray, hip-hip, hooray. I forget what i had to say...something like no bearded lizards for the Davis Herd please.....And, I think the Missourians are getting to you- I think you should run for the border?

  4. LOL! Well, I didn't have much say in this pet. Adam wanted it. It was either this lil guy (that I'm told will not be so little after awhile) or other more frightening lizzard figures. I keep my hands out of the cage and rest assured he lives in Adam's house not mine. :o) Did you say you wanted 3 of these guys for the boys for Christmas? I will see what I can do!!
