Friday, April 27, 2012

Making the Move

Yes, the rumors are true, I'm moving back home!! Tomorrow is the day!! No, I have not graduated yet. I am moving back home to continue my education through Buena Vista which is much more affordable than the out of state tuition! I will also have more opportunities back home as far as finding a job in my career field! I am excited to be back with my family, friends, and neighbors!!

Here's a few other things I'm excited to come home for...
1) My oldest Brother's wedding- he is marrying the most beautiful girl around!!
2) Attending the Davis herd rodeos- the most amazing rodeo goers I know! Seriously- you should watch this group sometime, they might as well go pro!!
3) Summer- bring on the pool and sun!
4) Cousins- they have grown too fast already!!
5) Home cookin!! Enough with the fast food and box food please!